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Write with Light

As a photographer, every picture you take is written with light. This blog will take you through the every day encounters photographers have with light and the stories it can tell. We have already had many adventures. I would like to start by presenting some of my best work of my son, Gabriel Jamieson Aguilar. Each year I take pictures of him, and each year it is a new adventure.

The pictures help me track his growth over the years, but also we develop a better routine for his photo shoots. Children can be difficult to photograph because they don't like to stand still for very long. Each year he learns to control himself and how to pose. I can't wait for our next shoot to see how well he cooperates.

The first four pictures are at one month old. The shoot was indoors, in my living room. His mother sat on a chair in the middle of the room. I covered her with a black sheet for one set of pictures, then switched to a white sheet for another set. I positioned her differently under the sheet to help pose my one month old son. We also used a giant teddy bear as a prop. My favorite pictures are of him with the bear. I only used one light source for this shoot.

The second shoot was at nine months old. The event was actually very spur of the moment. The sun was out. My kid was actually awake and active. Kids still sleep a lot at this age. I grabbed a green sheet and set it in the yard. Readied my camera and lenses. Put my kid in this semi-suit outfit i bought for him and took him outside on the sheet.

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